Arizona Songwriters Mini-Fest: How to Use the Nashville Number System with Larry Beaird

10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

Event Details

Please register with an email address so event host can contact you with a Zoom link.

Larry Beaird created this comprehensive 30-minute video as a guide to help songwriters, artists and musicians better understand the Nashville Number System. It features very detailed (but easy to understand) instructions along with real musical examples. Following his video screening, Mr. Beaird will be available to answer your questions about the Nashville Number System, his other Songwriter Minute videos, or additional music, recording or songwriting topics. 

For more information about Larry Beaird, visit:

For more information on the Arizona Songwriters Mini-fest,

Event Type(s): Virtual Program: Pre-Recorded Video, Virtual Program: Live Video Conferencing, Business and Finance
Age Group(s): Adults, Teens
(623) 930-3573

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